Hi Everyone – and Happy New Year again!!!
Just a quick reminder, as I am sure most of you will already know about this, but just in case you didn’t get the notification… Scottish and Southern Electricity networks will be turning the power off from 08.30 until 16.30 tomorrow. This is to trim tree branches that are too close to power cables. Such fun!
In order to be fully prepared for this inconvenience, before you go to bed, please set your ‘fridge to its coldest setting, try to limit opening it (and the freezer) as much as possible during the day. Maybe boil the kettle and fill a Thermos flask with hot water so tea and coffee may still be an option. Please ensure your mobile ‘phone is fully charged and power down any PC’s or devices (solar panels?) that can be damaged by a sudden and prolonged power loss.
I called S&S earlier and they weren’t much help, although they did confirm that 91 properties will be affected – which I guess is just about everything in Askerswell. We are aware that not everyone got a letter, so if you know you have frail neighbours that might not be aware, it would be a good idea to check that they have remembered this exciting village event and are prepared for it.
Or if in doubt, please let one of us know and we can help if necessary.
All best wishes,
Peter, Dave and Harry, Your AP Team.
PS. Volts will still be flowing outside the village – we’re using it as an excuse for a pub lunch out… I might take a book… just saying…. Good luck everyone!