
  • Cream Tea – THIS SUNDAY
    Dearest Villagers,  For those of you who haven’t been counting down the days until we get to spread delicious, thick, gooey, clotted cream and jam of the sweetest succulent strawberries onto the very lightest, crumbliest and perfectly baked scones nom nom nom…….. sorry, where was I? Oh yes! – the Cream Tea is this Sunday… Read more: Cream Tea – THIS SUNDAY
  • Questions from VEG
    Dear Residents, We love our village . . .and how often we hear others say ‘Askerswell is so warm and welcoming, and so active’? A big part of that activity is the variety of events held throughout the year. Your Village Events Group will be meeting shortly to plan an exciting mix of events for 2025.                                                … Read more: Questions from VEG
  • Loders Fete Saturday 3rd August
    Dearest Villagers, Just a quick reminder:  If you are able to help swell the Askerswell Stall at Loders Fête this Saturday in anyway, contributions will be most welcome.  (E.g. homemade cakes, preserves, plants, gifts, handmade crafts etc.)  You may leave anything on Friday 2nd August at the home of either Maggie Barrett (Pounds Mead, 01308… Read more: Loders Fete Saturday 3rd August
  • Traffic Disruptions
    Dearest Villagers, We have received notification of traffic roadworks in the region and how it will disrupt the road network.   Attached is the detail of the road closures about the area.   They have limited the closures to overnight, but it may inconvenience road users in the late evening. Have a wonderful day! Dave On behalf… Read more: Traffic Disruptions
  • The Askerswell Post
    Planning Notice Good Morning Askerswell, We have received a Planning Notice – but don’t panic, it’s NOT for a massive estate overshadowing the village or a huge wind farm… be aware that we are constantly vigilant for anything like that… Nevertheless, as is the protocol, I bring it to your attention so that the Parish Meeting can… Read more: The Askerswell Post
  • The Askerswell Post
    Good Morning Askerswell!! A quick date for your diary – the evening of 26th of June sees the first of what may become a regular event in the Village Hall – a charity Line Dancing session – Yee-Ha! It is being organised by Debbie – who leads us for Get Fit Fridays (and if you haven’t… Read more: The Askerswell Post
  • The Askerswell Post
    Village Hall AGM Dearest Villagers, Welcome to your new, improved, primped, polished and particularly pert Parish Post! I have managed to get the mailbox to sync with outlook – so I hope it will be  bit easier to use – hurrah!! Anyway, enough flummery… to business! Please be reminded that the Village Hall AGM is… Read more: The Askerswell Post
  • The Askerswell Post
    Greetings, Residents of the best Village in Dorset (it’s official, and fully sanctioned by the 2024 General Election Rules, clause 234, para. 9b “Whatever thou sayest and repeatest at least five times within no more than ten minutes shall henceforth become fact.“) Open Garden Please mark your diaries with Saturday, June 29th, 4 – 6PM, when… Read more: The Askerswell Post
  • Spyway Summer PARTY
    What-Ho, Wonderful Askerswellians!! Two things, both related to the Spyway party… first of all, please come along and join in from 1PM on Saturday June 1st (that’s THIS Saturday) There will be two live bands, Water Balloon Olympics, a movie theatre, stalls, Tombola and entertainment all day. It sounds like it will be a fabulous… Read more: Spyway Summer PARTY
  • PM Minutes
    Dear Lovely Askerswellians, Please find the minutes of our most recent meeting for your information, enjoyment and assistance with insomnia, here – Please let me have any comments or corrections as soon as possible, so that I can update the records before handing the Clerkitude over to Lauryn – it will be good to leave… Read more: PM Minutes
  • Parish Meeting
    Good Morning All, It’s that time again… your chance to engage in local politics… not that we “do” politics… we just want to get stuff done! So please join in, air your views, join the debate, be updated…. and … errr… get tickets for the BARBECUE on Saturday, if you haven’t already – hurrah! See… Read more: Parish Meeting
  • Parish Meeting
    Good Morning All, It’s that time again – our chance to meet and discuss Village matters… what do we like, what needs to happen?… How are things managed? Are we happy with the way things are organised? Can we do better? Are we living up to our true potential and being the best version of Askerswell… Read more: Parish Meeting
  • Village Barbecue & Church Clean-up
    Hi All, here’s a massively, hugely, VASTLY important date for your diaries…. Saturday 18th of May from 12 Noon! Askerswell’s annual burger bonanza and sausage ‘stravaganza (salad also available – including the fruity kind). Literally the TOP culinary event to be held in the Village Hall that week and NOT to be missed. Tickets are… Read more: Village Barbecue & Church Clean-up
  • Defibrillator Training
    It’s hard to believe it’s been a year already… and we are ready for a refresher course in the use of the Defibrillator. Questions like… What do we do? How do we turn it on? Where do I put the doodahs? The body was already cold when I found it – is it too late?… Read more: Defibrillator Training
  • Your ideas, please!!
    Yo! Lovely Askerswellians!! Just a very quick reminder about the questionnaire that we sent out a while ago (with the invitation to Hot Crossed Buns?? it was about then…) We really need your thoughts and ideas about extra activities and events that could make use of our outstanding Village Hall… We’d be really grateful if… Read more: Your ideas, please!!
  • Beetle Drive
    If you have neve been to a Beetle Drive, then you have seriously missed out! BUT – now is your chance to put that right… well, Saturday night is, any rate…  This Saturday, at the Village Hall, 7.30PM £5 on the door which will include Tea / Coffee and Biscuits … and it will be… Read more: Beetle Drive
  • Bellringers Required
    Many of you may be aware that the Nicholson family moved to  Askerswell last year. They run Nicholson Engineering, which is one of very few companies that maintain and refurbish church bells. They are also a family of bell ringers, who have boosted our regular numbers who ring for services, which had fallen to just… Read more: Bellringers Required
  • Defibrillator Training
    Please put May 1st at 6.30PM in your diary and come along to the Village Hall for a refresher course on the use of the Defibrillator…. it could be a lifesaver! … and just a quick reminder that the APCM (Annual Parochial Church Meeting) is this coming Friday, starting at 7.30PM in the Village Hall – it… Read more: Defibrillator Training
  • VH GROUNDS clearing up!!
    Sorry everyone – trying to do too many things at once… It’s just the grounds – with particular attention to the hedges, so if anyone can bring a trimmer, please?? Apologies for the mistake… See you in the morning – outside!!
  • Spring Cleaning
    Good Morning Askerswell!!! (I suddenly feel like Robin Williams…) Spring is finally springing – though could try a lot harder in my opinion, (much less rain, please!) and it is time to give our lovely VH a thorough going over! Please assemble at 10AM tomorrow (Saturday) at the Hall and be ready to clean, dust,… Read more: Spring Cleaning
  • Hot Cross Buns
    Good evening Just a reminder for the Coffee & Hot Cross Bun event which is being held in the village hall next week, on Good Friday morning, 29th March. From your Askerswell Post team
  • Parsons Lane
    You will likely be aware of the deteriorating road surface along Parsons Lane, with 2 major potholes posing a particular risk. Please be assured the Parish Meeting Team has been reporting and tracking this issue with Dorset Council. Works have now been instructed and it is anticipated that this should be addressed by the end… Read more: Parsons Lane
  • Save The Date…
    Saturday 6th April: Village Hall grounds tidy-up day On Saturday 6th April, there will be a ‘tidy up’ in the morning at the Village Hall grounds. Any help, especially for hedge trimming within the boundary will be much appreciated. There will be a reminder nearer the time but please do save the date in the… Read more: Save The Date…
  • Asker Question 2!
    The V.E.G have organised for a fun quiz night in the village hall. If you are available, come and join in the fun on the 10th of February at 19:30. See below for more information.
    Hi Everyone – and Happy New Year again!!! Just a quick reminder, as I am sure most of you will already know about this, but just in case you didn’t get the notification… Scottish and Southern Electricity networks will be turning the power off from 08.30 until 16.30 tomorrow. This is to trim tree branches that… Read more: POWER CUT…
  • Get Fit Friday – start Delayed!!!
    Happy New Year Everyone!!! 2024 already…. crikey! SO much to look forward to – HURRAH!!! However, due to the beastliness of the power company and all of our volts being disconnected on the 5th, our first Get Fit Friday session has had to be postponed by a week… so please re-mark your diary for the 12th… Read more: Get Fit Friday – start Delayed!!!
  • Get Fitter!!
    Very welcome news for the village, especially if you’d like to improve your strength, flexibility, co-ordination, balance, posture, memory and general well being! Who wouldn’t?  We are delighted to announce a new weekly fitness class beginning at the Village Hall on Friday 5th January at 10.15 -11.15 am.  It is a low impact exercise class designed for… Read more: Get Fitter!!
  • Peal of Bells
    Good evening A visiting group of bell ringers drawn from Devon and Somerset are going to attempt to ring a full peal at St Michael and All Angels , Askerswell tomorrow, the 13th December. This is quite a challenge involving three hours non stop ringing, starting at 10am. Because it is not often done the… Read more: Peal of Bells
  • Ten-Pin Bowling
    On Saturday 20th January ’24 there will be an Askerswell ten-pin bowling evening at Freshwater Beach Holiday Park.  As in the past, this will include 2 games with a break for a meal.  Further details to follow shortly, but at this stage it would be good in order to get an idea of numbers, if you could let… Read more: Ten-Pin Bowling
  • Thieves at Cogden
    Not wishing to cause any alarm, but we feel we need to warn everyone – whilst we have been advised not to leave any valuables in cars at the top of Eggardon Hill, it seems Cogden Beach is also a target for car break ins. This morning, two ladies locked their handbags in the boot… Read more: Thieves at Cogden
  • Gulliver final dress rehearsal
    For the avoidance of any doubt… there will be no food at the Friday showing of Gulliver! (hence no tickets or entry charge…) It will actually be the final dress rehearsal – so will still have all of the magic of the Main Show. We’re just allowed a few more hilarious mistakes and mishaps… Not… Read more: Gulliver final dress rehearsal
  • Gulliver!
    We have reached the final week! It’s on Saturday!!! I know it conflicts with Strictly (Blackpool) – but that’s what iPlayer is for, right? Thank you again to those of you that have bought tickets – your Saturday show will commence after you have eaten… doors will open at 7.30PM – so please don’t arrive… Read more: Gulliver!
  • Parish Meeting update
    Harry did a great job Chairing the Meeting recently – please find draft minutes attached. If anyone has any comments, spots any errors or does not feel the discussions are adequately captured, please let the Clerk know. It’s always a bit of a scramble taking the notes and whilst every effort is made to record… Read more: Parish Meeting update