Bellringers Required

Many of you may be aware that the Nicholson family moved to  Askerswell last year. They run Nicholson Engineering, which is one of very few companies that maintain and refurbish church bells. They are also a family of bell ringers, who have boosted our regular numbers who ring for services, which had fallen to just two!

In an attempt to get all six bells rung on a regular basis, Andrew has kindly offered to teach anyone who is interested, how to ring, in Askerswell church. This would be on Friday evenings, from about 7pm starting in May.

Ringing requires a certain amount of coordination and some physical effort, but is not a matter of strength, especially on our bells, which are fairly light. Anyone is welcome to come along, whether you are a churchgoer or not, as there is no expectation that you should stay for any service. It would be helpful if you were available for at least some of the regular ringing times, which are 10.30am on the second Sunday of each month and 6.00pm on the fourth Sunday of the month.

Complete beginners or lapsed ringers, all are welcome.

If you would like to try and have a go, please let Geoff or Maggie know on 01308 485513 or