PM Minutes

Dear Lovely Askerswellians,

Please find the minutes of our most recent meeting for your information, enjoyment and assistance with insomnia, here –

Please let me have any comments or corrections as soon as possible, so that I can update the records before handing the Clerkitude over to Lauryn – it will be good to leave things tidy and straightforward…

May I take this opportunity to thank Harry for his two years as our Parish Chair – I have been regularly surprised by his extraordinary wisdom, diligence and maturity in attending to his role – traits many of us can admire and aspire to, but to be found in one so young… truly impressive. We all wish you every success, Harry and offer our enthusiastic support with your future projects.

Finally, may I thank you all for trusting me to lead us as Chair…. I hope you all know by now just how passionate I am about Askerswell, and the phenomenally rare and precious thing we have in our Community Spirit. I don’t wish to sound to nauseatingly syrupy… but it really is a pleasure to serve such a wonderful group of people and I hope I can do the job justice. If anyone has any ideas for “stuff that needs doing” to benefit us all (not potholes – we are already nagging our new councillor about those!) please let me know (by email to ) 

All best wishes,

Peter, Dave and Lauryn – your smashing new, turbocharged AP Team of Delight!

PS – Hurrah and huzzah to all those that braved the elements and came to the Barbecue – thank you to the chefs and all those involved. It was an absolutely cracking event and even though the weather was rotten, the food and the atmosphere was EXCELLENT!!